Episode 153: Intention

 In Coaching, Podcast Episodes, Right Where You Are


On this episode, we talk about being intentional. I also share my year end review process. Here are a few steps that I take to leave 2018 behind and move with intention into 2019.

  1. Review journals from this year. Look for themes and patterns. Make a list.
  2. Questions: What worked? What didn’t work? What were the highlights?
  3. What were a few favorite moments?
  4. Three things you’re grateful for.
  5. Where have I settled
  6. What do I want to let go of as I finish 2018?
  7. What intentions do I have for 2019?

I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a process like this? Do you include anything that I didn’t?

I love coaching women to rediscover their true selves and trust their inner wisdom, so they are empowered to create the life and business they desire. I would love to help you become more fully YOU as you move into 2019. Email me at tammy@tammyhelfrich.com to schedule a free consultation to see if coaching together would be a good next step for you.

Happy Holidays!


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