How are you being intentional today?

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I’m writing again today, and this is my view. I love finding a quiet place to really focus and not be distracted. I’m learning how important it is to sometimes change our scenery in order to inspire creativity and focus.

I’ve been feeling the urge to write more. I have had an entire book outlined for more than two years, but I have continually put it on hold for a variety of reasons. I’m feeling compelled to pick it up again, and it feels fresh and new.

I’m currently working with a group of clients to end this year well. To do things that we really want to do. To finish the year well and start the new year on a high note, and they are inspiring me to focus on more of what I want in the world. And right now, writing is one of those things.

Writing was not on my list initially of things I wanted to do before the end of the year. But I’m learning to listen and take steps when I feel prompted. Writing is a way that I express myself. It’s something that brings me to life. It’s a part of me, but one that I have pushed to the side for a while. So instead of falling into the trap of letting it stay dormant, I decided to pick it up again.

I’m planning to make this something I’m intentionally adding for the last few weeks of the year. I’m also in the process of intentionally editing things as well. They both feel necessary and good.

How are you being intentional today? I’d love to hear!


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