The words I couldn’t say

 In Guest posts

Today, I have the honor of a guest confession at Confessions of a Terrible Husband. If you’re visiting from Nick’s place, welcome! I look forward to interacting with you. You may also like this popular post about what Nobody Told Me.

Yes, I realize I am not a husband. But I do have one. And I can own up to the mistakes I have made as a wife. So when Nick asked for guest posts, I was happy to share with his readers.



There were words I couldn’t say for a long time in my marriage. They weren’t the three words you’re thinking of. I could say those.

I didn’t really think about not being able to say these words. It was implied that I didn’t want to say them, and my husband felt it strongly. I just didn’t realize it.

Don’t misunderstand. We have had a good marriage. We started dating when I was 18, and we were friends first. We stayed together through college and married after seven years of dating. We had fun together. We were comfortable together. There was no doubt in my mind that we would always be okay. We’d make it through whatever life threw at us. That’s what I always thought. There were no worries about staying together.

Then, we had kids. Our marriage changed. There was so much more stress! We had been used to being a couple for so long, that we really struggled with it. Of course, we wouldn’t admit it. Or, I wouldn’t. Suddenly, the third and fourth person in our family, although full of joy and happiness, sucked the life out of our couple time. Continue reading


You can learn more about Nick and his awesome blog here. You can also follow him on Twitter.

I’d love to hear if there are words you have a hard time saying, too. Share in the comments below.


*Photo credit: Creative Commons (brewbooks)

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  • ATerribleHusband

    Tammy, thank you SO MUCH for such a brave and honest post! I’m honored that you’re the first Guest Confession!

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